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organizing your personal finances to find extra money

Sometimes financial problems can be solved relatively easily. I was struggling to make it from week to week until I learned that some financial organization could change my spending habits. If you can organize your personal finances, you will see exactly where all of your hard earned money goes. You will be shocked to see how much the morning coffee and donuts cost you each month. This blog will provide you with information that can help you get your personal finances organized so that you don't have to continue struggling from paycheck to paycheck throughout each and every month this year.

organizing your personal finances to find extra money

Paying Back A Payday Loan Without Using Your Paycheck

by Clémence Moulin

Sometimes you may need a little bit of help before your payday arrives. If you need money immediately, this means that you may need to apply for a payday loan through a service like Payday Express. Cash advance loans are notoriously easy to apply for and to receive, which can help when you are in a bind. However, if you do not pay off the loan as quickly as possible, interest can add up and cost you more than you realized. For this reason, you should consider paying off a payday loan with some unique ideas that won't come from your check.

Sell your newest items

The reason why you should sell your newest items is that they likely have been used the least and are the latest version on the market. Often, people default to selling items that they no longer use or that are old. These sales may not be as successful because they have a lesser demand on the market. A hot new product will sell more easily, and though it may be difficult, it can give you the option to pay off the payday loan without using your check.

Fess up to family and friends about needing help

Though it can be hard on your pride, your family and friends are around to help you. Confess that you need a little help to your close family and friends. They may be able to give you a loan with no interest to pay off your payday loan. Even if they are not able to pay the payday loan directly, they may be available to help pay all or a part of a bill to help you out and can give you a little information on how to make extra money to pay off your payday loan and get ahead.

Run errands for others

One of the best ways to pick up some extra money to pay off an immediate bill is to offer your personal assistant services to others. You can put up flyers or post adds immediately offering pick-up and drop-off services, food delivery services, or short errands. This will give you immediate payment each time you complete a task, and it will keep you busy. Instead of trying to find part time jobs or the like, you can have money coming in immediately. You will also keep busy and not have to worry about the looming deadline of your payday loan payment. Best of all, you can create trust between yourself and those who need a little bit of extra help, giving you a way to get some extra pocket money whenever you may need it in the future.
